more pics of dan beat to shit

So we saw this movie in 2002 and I didn't post the review until 2003. You know what that is? That's fucking laziness. I dare you to beat that, you motivated bitches.
Star Trek: Nemesis Dec 13, 2002

Keith Matt Chris
Dave Cody

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November 16, 2002


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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Like most of our reviews, this review contains spoilers. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book you might want to skip this one, because if you accidentally find out that Tom Riddle is Voldemort I don't want you to come crying to me.

For our first review in yars we have laughs! Sim-esque rambling! Singing! Everything the modern gentleman has come to expect from this lazy, lazy institution. Not featured is gay pagentry in which we flail about our tiny sticks while pretending to be wizards. But that'll come next week.
Jackass Nov 12, 2002

Keith Matt Chris

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Mid-June, 2002


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Spider Man /w Ray
For some reason we decided to go see Scoobie-Doo. It was sold out both times we went, and Keith swore. But it was compulsory that we do a review with Ray before he moved, so we settled for another round of Spiderman instead.

Fortunately a potentially redundant review was saved by our sudden realization that Kirsten Dunst can't look compassionate without coming off as retarded. And as we all know, retards are fucking hilarious.

Roger Ebert totally blasted this movie, even going so far as to criticize the number of buildings that were destroyed without taking into account the September 11th 2001 attack on New York City. Christ. Go to bed old man, you're done. We'll take over from here.
PowerPuff Girls July 10, 2002

Keith Matt
Chris Sean
Brad Leah
Dave Mark

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Keith Dan
Dave Matt

May 18, 2002

Attack of the Clones (Drunk)

So I (Keith) went to Clones again with the lads who didn't make it the first time, and I dunno how bad Matt and his brother Dave were, but me and Dan were hammered. The most drunk I've been in my entire life, when I was walking through the lobby on one of my many trips to the bathroom I actually felt like I coulda beat somebody up. Luckily everyone could see the hard glint in my eye and kept their distance. Arr!!

Anyway, it turned out not to make much of a difference, since we held our liquor pretty well and the review turned out sounding pretty un-drunk. So I don't think we'll be doing that again until Episode III: The Menacing Attack of Anakin.

Halfway through the movie one of Dan's many smuggled beer bottles tipped over and rolled loudly all the way to the bottom of the theatre. That cracked us up.

Right before the Jango/Obi-Wan fight I accidentally told Matt it was clear for him to go to the bathroom. That's literally the worst mistake I've ever made in my life.

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