So I gotta say, not too bad.
Yeah, I liked it better than the last one. I thought it was pretty cool.
I only had two problems with it. One: I don't like Dumbledore. He doesn't fucking do anything.
That's like at the end when he was kinda sternly talking to Harry and Ron, I woulda been like "Listen, fuck. I've done more than you've ever done and I'm fucking eight years old!" Or however old he is.
And he didn't even send him the sword, 'cause the phoenix did it by himself. "Whoah, I better go help that kid out!"
So what was the second one?
The basilisk getting punked out by the phoenix. Are phoenixes immune to the fucking basilisk gaze or something?

You're a wizard.

Yeah and it was cool though since I haven't read that book, like, since last year, so I totally forgot that Tom Riddle was Voldemort, I'm like "Oh yeah!"
You should have, when you saw Tom Riddle's name, you just shoulda said "Oh yeah, that's it! He's Voldemort!" And then everyone just yelling at you. "Well it's pretty obvious when you think about it!"
That woulda been awesome!
And just, the floating cupcakes, the guys are like, "This is some sweet action!"
One part though, one part of the book that was a lot better was when you find out that Hagrid opened the chamber, because in the book I remember I just put it down for a second, I was like "Holy fuck..." Y'know, Hagrid, he's the good guy, he fucking opened the chamber and killed people!? That just wasn't as freaky in the movie.
I wish the dueling had lasted longer, too.
Malfoy's such a cock, but man I love his whole family, they're such fucking assholes! When he was beating the shit out of that fucking house elf at the end I was like "Yeah! Kick the shit out of that little fuck!"
You guys remember two classic lines: "Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Very good."
"If anyone wants to find anything, they can just... follow the spiders!"

bonus review: White Cowbell Oklahoma! YEEEEEHAAAWWWW!!

...I'm still fucking deaf, man.
Oh yeah?

So yeah, we could also add to the website that White Cowbell Oklahoma, greatest band you'll ever see, but you'll be deaf for at least twenty four hours.

And if Lemmon hears this, you missed some wet titties.
Yeah Lemmon, you left early, wet titties. And chick arm wrestling, although, did he see the naked guy? Maybe that's why he left.
Could be! I actually, in the few times I glanced over, every time I managed to miss the wang. I saw a little ass, but, no wang.
You can't blame the wang, Matt.
No, no, no, no. You can't blame the wang, but...

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