Introduction with obnoxious Keith in-theatre-laugh-o-cam. Or it would be a cam, if we could afford cameras.

Fuck man, that fucking beanbag gun, goddamn. Just when you saw him getting ready for it you could tell he was so fucking scared...
And two days later, just blagh!
Just can't even stand up...
And the thing that rules about that is all the random punchings and hitting in the nuts for no reason-
Best skit of them all I think was the fucking Beat Up By A Girl. She kicked the shit out of him.
Yeah, he got some good licks in but-
The guy who was eating his own snow-cone that he pissed on and they kneed him in the balls, like he deserved to get kneed in the balls, it's like "You sad fuck, you want to be in our movie so bad you're eating your own piss."
Fucking, the worst one was fucking Knoxville crashing the golf cart. That thing almost landed on his fucking head.
But, once again, to restate my misogynistic viewpoint-
And you always do.
If there were only women on the planet that movie would never have gotten made. I don't care what society they came from, chicks would never make that movie. All the important sports of the world were by guys.
Way to go and take away our only fans.
BMX driving, skateboarding, smashing through things...

Sudden appearance by Amanda, and proof that we actually know a girl. Or, well, Matt does.

So what'd you think of Jackass? That's what you went to see, right?
Of course.
That's what I figured.
What'd you see?
The Ring.
Oh, alright: Lay it on me.
Were you scared as hell, will you not be able to sleep tonight?
It was alright, but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to sleep.
It had a lot of good moments, but, didn't really come together.
What are you guys going to see?
We just got done, went to see Jackass.
Oh. Was is good?
Very hilarious. Low. Brow. Like... low-brow.
I was actually just pontificating that, uh, that women would never have made that movie. Never. Only the male race can be responsible for that.
Although Amanda did just kick me in the ass.
That's true.

in Matty's car, sans Amanda

Ah, doesn't it feel good to do another review?
Yeah, it does!
It's been so many months, I'd forgotten how good it was.
You should definitely put a little quote in Smile-
Like I ever update that anymore. Haven't written a new one in a month.
Especially since the last one was quite good!
Well thank you! Problem is, I can't figure out how to end it, so I'm fucked now.
You, you told me, man-
I know, I had a way! But I changed stuff and now it doesn't make sense anymore.
Well that was just brilliant on your part now wasn't it.


So um... yeah, the triumph of the male race, as I was saying...
Lay it on me, Mr. Sogyny.
With, uh... Mr. Sogyny, I like that one! Just, whenever you watch the X-Games or, you know, shit like that, Tom Green, y'know? It's never chicks! They ain't done nothing for nobody!

That turned into a conversation about how the pornography industry isn't nearly as innovative as it should be, by the way.

Basically all the friendly punching (that the Jackass crew does) basically (for us) comes out in us making fun of Chris.
Should I put lipstick and a fake wig on your picture on the website Chris?
I would think so.

after seeing a big blue van

Big blue van! Rocking! In the big blue van!
Big bowl of saurkraut!
You wrecked my song you fucking dick.
That was the plan, asshole.
I'll give you a beat.
Big blue van! Big blue van! I've got a big blue van! Do you have a big blue van? I don't think so!

I'm living in the eighties!
I can't believe they cancelled that show, man! Fuck!


We should have, ah, at the end of the review: Keith McNally's views on women and their potential does not reflect It's A Movie So Watch It.
(Keith McNally's views), despite being unpopular, are, indeed, fact.

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