Nine, possibly ten thumbs up. That was so cool.
That was fucking epic.
I must say it was surprisingly entertaining.
Yeah, that was sweet, just action all the time!
I've never seen so many dead monkeys in my life. Corpses falling out of the sky!
Especially the guy with the bananas, he's like "I got the plan right here, boys..."
"My name is Bla-bla Bla-bla..."
Fucking barrel of monkeys...
And right in the middle just slaps that old man in the face! That was so cool...
Evil, evil monkeys...
Even before Mojo got big he was ripped! Like, he was a lot bigger than he is in the show!
He looked pretty slick when he was the dark knight.
Yeah, totally, he was bad ass!
Or when they show that guy in his apartment, "You know, I have a pretty nice car..." Just dies!
"This isn't my baby!"
I'm glad that you got the clever play on words like the opposable thumb.
"We must oppose this thumb!" And there was another one, too...
"Nothing in this grey matters."
But when fucking, whoever shoots down that first one of the flying brigade, of the spitting monkeys, and then just the rain...
Thousands of monkey corpses!
Okay, it's gotta stop, but then it just keeps...
They'd be talking and they'd still be falling...
And since they never showed up again you know they're all dead!
And when that monkey fucking grabs the dog when they're in the water, just
[dunking motion]
That guy is such an asshole!
It's awesome how that dog can actually talk in the show, there's one episode where he's just sitting in a car, in a huge pileup, just "I may be a dog that can talk but I sure as hell can't drive!" Just holding up all this traffic...
Now this was the social event of the season, the event of the summer. Man!
Lars wasn't here.
Dan didn't come. We coulda had the whole fucking row if we tried, Stefan woulda come.
Yeah, Dan woulda been drunk, it woulda been perfect!
Gotta love that music in the opening scene too. That's just cool when Mojo's trashing the place. And Utonium creates Mojo!
I actually got a chill, like... right up my spine.
Actually better than I thought it would be.
She doesn't like the Powerpuff Girls.

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