Our original, well publicized plan was to see this movie drunk, but Matt and Dan couldn't make the opening. Keith and Lars, being hard cunts, had a couple of token beer in their honor (hard lemonade for Keith!) and went anyway.
Once there we met many folk, and longtime friend and wellwisher Jon Carson finally makes an appearance! Eyyyy!
May 16, 2002
<-click poster for review
May 04, 2002
click poster for review ->
Spider Blood
Spider Blood
Spider Blood
March 26, 2002
click poster for review ->
Rumors have recently been circulating that Mark has missed the last couple of reviews because he'd prefer to go out with his girlfriend than to review movies with us. This is not true. Never would Mark forsake the holy bond of It's A Movie, and we hope that this review will lay these accusations to rest once and for all.
Our last couple reviews have been a little lacking in participants, but this marks a true return to form. May all our future reviews be boisterous and semi-coherent.
March 12, 2002
<-click poster for review
March 04, 2002
click poster for review ->
Holy fuck.
Proof that the north-american "highbrow" are shit eating idiots who follow hype more blindly than any N Sync-obessessed twelve year old could possibly hope to. What a piece of shit. Anyone who claims to like this movie is a phony fucking moron who should be stabbed.