in the lobby

It was a good bad movie. I mean it was a bad movie, but it was a good bad movie.
"Spade, why did you let Jar-Jar handle the senate!?"
Yeah, exactly! But I was totally marking out when they played the, that Empire March. (The Imperial March, at the end.) That was so cool...

But yeah it's just weird how, I dunno, that movie, it seriously wasn't, like, so many bad parts, but I liked it.

It's better than Jedi. And it's better than Phantom Menace. It falls right in the middle I'd say.
The story that was used was kinda disjointed, but, there's just something missing, there's more story that needed to be there. 'Cause the whole Jedi thing in the arena, that was fucking cool, man.
Did anyone else think that Anakin acted like he was four years old through the whole thing? "I'm mad now! I'm really mad!"
One thing me and Chris kept saying, every Anakin/Amidala scene, just: "Not as beautiful as you." Y'know? Terrible.


So, do you think we regret the plan of y'know not knocking back a couple more Hard Lemonades?
I'm glad I took 'em.
I shoulda drank more.
I coulda used a few drinks to ease into Anakin's dialogue.
I was kinda disappointed that there were a lot more computer generated graphics in the background. Used to be they went to the trouble of building sets and shit like that and filming in the middle of a desert.
Their tech totally sucked back then too, 'cause did you see Luke's new, er ah, Anakin's new hand, it's all gold, it's like "Eagh, this is what I'm gonna feel you up with, auuuhh..."
I dunno, it's awful hard to top that Yoda fight.
That little bastard can move! Hobbles in but then he's flying everywheres! He won't be moving like that for another like-
Notice he goes back to the cane, "Threw my back out there. Fucking your shit up!"
Why doesn't Palpatine lift off his cloak, "Yeah that's right. I'm running this whole show."
Because there's still gonna be some people in Episode 3 that are surprised, they're gonna be like "WHAT?! IT WAS HIM ALL ALONG!? SHIT!! I never saw that coming..."

In Lars' Car

I'm definitely gonna recommend to Matt and Dan that they're gonna wanna get some kinda alcohol in 'em, I mean it is Bad with a capital "B".
I don't know...
"Bad with a capital B", are you black?

(It's from Ghost World, folks. "What, is she black now?" You remember that line, right? Chris is not a racist. He's just misquoting a brutally racist movie. Dan Clowes is a white satan.)

I think it must have been on purpose to have that much bad dialogue, like everything just seemed awkward...
I think what it is, is just being in this big blue room with Lucas staring at you...
Going "Act!"
"Act emotional!"

discussing where to drop off Brad

You know, I think what's gonna add the extra quality, and uh... bit of class to this review is gonna be the jingling of the bottles in the background.
It's gonna be far worse when me and Matt and Dan go, believe me. 'Cause I mean not so much me, but you know... Dan...
Seriously though, it wasn't that bad.
The Star Wars whole universe is great, the plot wasn't bad it's just, I think it's just definitely the dialogue that got me.
Yeah, the dialogue, I agree there. The dialogue definitely needed some fucking work.

Like, when Anakin's talking to Amidala for the first time- like, the time when he's saying you know like "Oh, I hurt so bad inside!" I'm like, all this shit, I'm like I could have come up with something better on the fly and she woulda fucked me right there! It's like jesus, man!

I gotta say, my still biggest problem was at the very beginning: Attack of the Clones.
Although I gotta say, I mean, that title kinda fits with just the way they decided to present the movie, that kind of goofy, fifties type thing.

Lars struggles to speak, but I edited that shit

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