X-Men (Review 1) Rough Transcript

What a piece of fucking shit!!

You didn't like it?

Fuck no! Fuck! It was written for fucking kids!

The kids did seem to enjoy it. But I dunno, I thought it was cool.

Some of the effect were cool, the plot left a lot to be desired, and fucking, the effects that weren't cool were so fucking bad that you just wanted to like, "I wanna go find the director and kick his ass".

It's got a number of holes, but...

It's got more than a number, man! I just sat there like, there's a couple times I just wanted, like, when I get, when I see something in a movie that I don't really like, I just want to get up and walk out. I wanted to walk out

I noticed you were fidgiting.

I was like... FUCK!! I'm sorry, like, I'm a huge X-Men fan...


I think that's the thing. I don't give a shit about the X-Men, so I thought it was pretty cool.

Yeah, I mean, it was cool. I don't give a damn.

It's not even the plot problems that bother me. Right?

It's not the plot problems, it's not the occasional snippet of dialogue, it's something in the movie missing...

It's the whole fucking X-Men style, right?

What, you mean crap?

No no no, it's

It lacks the comic book crap!?

It's just... it's not a good movie! Like... everyone said "it's the be all and end all of comic book adaptation movies"... they're on fucking crack!!

That is one thing, it was extremely highly hyped by everybody.

I mean, it was really fucking good compared to what it could have been, which isn't much of an excuse for any errors that might be in it, but still.

I don't know, just... there's so many fucking like, just little things... I can't even point out fucking little things that bothered me about it, that's how fucking bad it bothered me.

It just bowled you over: "Bwah!"

Who was playing fucking Jean Grey?

I don't know, man...

Famke Janssen.

Not attractive enough! Too fat!

...Good Lord! Famke Janssen is too fat for you!?

When she was walking out after the first time she saw Wolverine, like, fucking was taking care of him

Okay, yeah her ass is the size of a truck, what's your problem?

She's got a huge fuck I have a problem with big fucking fat asses. I have a problem with it!
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