Scary Movie Rough Transcript

"Man, that was some bad ass shit, son!"

"Wanna hit this shit?"

Man, that jizz was insane.

I know! What the fuck was up with that?

It was funny, just not... laugh out loud funny.

D'you hear the fucking guy behind us? "That's from the Matrix!"

It was fucking funny when he goes, "Lack of sex can lead men to deviant lifestyles". There was a guy and a girl in front of us, right when he said that the guy looks at his girlfriend... I was like, oh my god!

And the cock through his ear, I'm sorry.

The aimer thing at the urinals, just yeah!

I wish we really had those!

"Alright, you ready?" "Yeah." "1 2 3 GO!"

And yeah, it was like, it was good but just sort of vaguely unsatisfying.

I didn't actually go AH! THAT'S FUCKING FUNNY! I just sorta went, eh. That was pretty funny.

But man, definite lack of tittage, like when they were in that fucking changing room, everyone was wearing their bras? Fuck that! Fuck that shit, son!

There was one... but her arm was in the way. I was like, what? No!

Dude, those guys are freaks!

'Cause I mean, Lars was right, there was a disproportionate amount of cock compared to fucking tit. Oh, and the uh, the coach is like uh, "Alright, everybody hit the showers!" "Yeah!" I didn't even notice that at first.

"Last one in the showers, boys, come on!"

"What, you saying I did it? Come on, you want to get naked and wrestle? Where's my vasoline?"

That guy was definitely the best. He was fucking great.

Oh, fuck...

"Man, some white folks been killed we're getting the fuck out of here!"

Black News, fucking...
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