The Mummy Returns Rough Transcript

In a way though, I dunno, it's hard to say if I like it better than the first one. They're both pretty even.

I dunno, the first one was pretty solid, I think-

Man, that foxy boxing, that one had style.

That was pretty nice.

The thing I don't like about going to see movies is you always see a preview that you like better than the movie you're about to see.

Why, what'd you see this time?

I dunno, I would have rather seen Jurassic Park 3 than that.

Maybe, yeah...

You know:
"Hey, you wanna take, wanna guide us around the island?"
"Well alright. Oh no, we're stuck on the island again, with no guns! There's dinosaurs everywhere! Why, god? WHY?"

'Cause Jurrasic Park 2 was kinda gay, so, you know...

I didn't mind Jurrasic Park 2 until the dinosaur got into the city, then it was going on way too long...

And then he went to, like, summer camp...

Yeah! Then the dinosaurs ride the subway...

Yeah, I didn't much care for that film, though. The action was nice, but all the dumb little jokes...

And that big dog army thing, they looked real bad.

They looked cool, man! That guy just throws that thing, just-

Man, fucking Protoss legs going on...

You mean, they didn't have Protoss legs, you mean they just had the-

Canine legs?


Man, Protoss legs.

You can go to hell, Matt.

Wasn't the coolest mummy movie I've ever seen...

Man, I just realized, I should have really worked on Smile more earlier.

Oh yeah, it's late...

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Oh yeah!

Whatever, fuck it, I'll do it tomorrow. My hits have been way down anyway, so fuck those people.
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