The Adventures of Joe Dirt Rough Transcript

So by no stretch of the imagination would I call that a good movie. It had a couple good lines, but...

It wasn't terrible, but it definitely was not great.

{after Matt declines a request for a cigarette}

I don't know what it is, I can't give ugly people cigarettes. Like, seriously. If that'd just been an old man who was... see, I'm not even sure if that was a man or a woman!

It was a guy.

Are you sure, though?

I'm pretty sure, man.

That was troublesome!

He was definitely a weirdo.

But I mean even if it was a good looking man or even a good looking woman I would have been "Sure, no problem." But... gah! Cigarettes are the last thing you need!

You've got bigger problems, buddy!
{talking 'bout the dumb bitch behind us}

I'm almost glad the movie wasn't funnier, 'cause that fucking bitch behind us, that one... She laughed all through the previews.

...there was one very distinct laugh...


Man, that's some sweet echo!

Yeah, that was some nice actiopdyfvnb

Ah, shit...
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