Ginger Snaps Rough Transcript

So I thought that was bitch-ass hell cool.

I thought that was quite slick, that was one of the best horror movies I've seen in awhile.

As soon as they did the credits and the pictures of them killing themselves I was like "This is the shit."
"I've been up to some wack shit!

Man, that guy was funny. "Uh... uh, Mrs... Bart. Is your pool ready yet?" That's what that guy reminded me of.

"Hey, it's pretty cool in here!"
"Yeah, it's pretty cool, now get the fuck out."

"The blood quench the hunger..." We were saying that a lot, too.

It's nice to see like a, just a not super-cheesy lame-ass somewhat serious horror movie.

When they say Rated R they give you a good, solid Rated R.

The reason they're probably ID-ing everyone is 'cause of all the suicide things and whatnot.
{Kenneth arrives}

Any comments on the amount of blood yet?

We were quite pleased!

Gore factor: 10 out of 10. That's what I'd say.

Almost 11.
(Keith's Dad Neil arrives)
So what'd you think of Ginger Snaps?

Quite impressed. What did you think?
Not too bad.

Yeah. I mean it is better than most of the shit they're playing.

Coulda done without the menstruation factor...

It kinda worked in, though.

It worked in, but...

Way too much information there.

Coulda lived without knowing that.
I liked the whole lapping of the blood at the same time. Good family moment.

That was the coolest thing that's been in this theatre for a long time.

The amounts of blood, it's just gushing...

I was looking at the canadian money on film...

And the Ontario license plate.

Yeah, the Ontario license plate, I noticed that.

Pretty sure buddy boy was smoking du Maurier, too.

Finally we can be proud of Canada. For the first time ever.

"So you a big fan of Canada?"
"No. We did make a pretty good werewolf movie once..."

It's crazy when she opened up her shirt and she started to have those six nipples and stuff...

That was fucked too, I'm like "Wow, she's opening her shirt - Whoa, that ain't good!"

Dude! That is not cool!

It was like "Man, that chick's got a nice aAAAHH!"

I liked the chick fight, though. Laying waste!
{in car}

I'm still just amazed at the blood.

I know! So much blood!

After like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer and everyone's been pussying out on the horror movies, all of a sudden Bam!

They showed the fucking guts when they fucking run over with the lawn mower fucking in those pictures, I was like, dude!

Bam! Blast of the Blood Weasel.

I know, there was at least 15 blasts! Like, good lord!
And man, fucking, she started to fucking, fucking drink the blood at the end, like that was definitely "The blood quench the hunger".

That was pretty nice too, though.

In a weird, fucked up way. Couldn't fucking, hold her fucking blood. Pussy.

Yeah I know, all she had to do was hold that puke in.

"Dad, I think that's blood."
"Correction; free blood."

I wish there had of been more in-your-face werewolf action, that's what I was hoping for.

I actually thought it was kinda cool that they played up more of the transformation werewolf, 'cause she was a lot cooler as a bitch, slut ho dyke.

So what's the last canadian movie that's been out?

Shit, I don't even know.

Strange Brew.

Heh, Strange Brew... that was a classic.

That was a good movie.

(referring to Ginger Snaps)
Fuck, that was a good movie.
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