Freddy Got Fingered Rough Transcript

I don't even know what to say about that movie, I mean... you can't sum that up. It was fucked.

Just fucking... going to work on her with the fucking cane...

The one part though I just can't believe that actually got past the fucking censors and shit is the swinging the baby around.
Yeah, I should have known better than to doubt Tom.
{in the car}

Shit, I mean, that was good man, fucking Mark is gonna love that movie when he sees it.

...just the fucking baby on the end of the...

I thought it was dead at first, too-

So did I! "It's sleeping", so it's like, oh no...
You know it's good when your fucking cheek muscles are sore from laughter.

And, I mean... I'm not usually prone to in the theatre just going What the fuck!? But, I mean, you just can't help it. Jesus fucking christ... And even just little stuff y'know, just driving to fucking Hollywood-

Yeah! "OOOOOOOOOH!" So excited! "What are you doing?"
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