I thought it was cool too that movie wasn't real long, like that last fight, I was thinking that that was gonna be the build up and then some more shit would happen, and then they'd have the last fight. They didn't drag it on too far.
So what'd you think of the movie?
I liked it, it was good. The ending was cool.
"I'm no one's bitch!"
"I don't need to know you, you need to know me."


You know what I kept expecting him to say? "I'm The One, I do all the yelling around here!"

Some brutal canadian wind

Fucking windy as hell out here!
Harsh wastelands of Canada.

Even more wind -- Be thankful you don't live here

Albinos vitually invisible.

In the car

Yeah, good but not great.
Well, not great but I'd say yeah, definitely above average.
Also, the thing is, did the guy really have to hit the guy with two motorbikes? Now like, that's uncalled for!
If I could do that, I would.
That part near the beginning where he jumps up to the streetlight, that was awesome.
Man, when those two guys were talking about porn: "Yeah, she doesn't ever fuck guys though, that fucking girl-on-girl action gets boring after awhile."
I thought it was pretty nice of them too in the final battle for the evil one to take his shirt off so we could tell who was who.
I couldn't figure out why, I was like Why you ripping your shirt? Then I was like Oh! So we can tell!
You know what I said to Matt at the very first? When fucking, remember that sniper shot hits that guy or whatever, and there's you know all the gunfighting, and fucking Jet Li busts out of the thing just standing there, it should have said "Bad Ass #1" on his shirt. 'Cause man, we were just like "YES!!" You know, like, just freaking out...
You know what also, when he's like beating the shit out of Turkish, and he just fucking lays that punch right in that pipe: "No good, it's full of steam." Steam right in the face.

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