KEITH! K's Mom+Dad

So my official prognosis is: Hilarious. Like, that was good shit.

"Jackie, what do we know about this?"

"His name is Lee god dammit."

That guy was pretty cool just: "Who taught you that? Oh, that was his brother."

"Oh, right."

"Man, we coulda been a great couple, but you one crazy bitch!"
It's weird that that fucking Zing Zau chick or whatever fucking-
Zhang Ziyi.
Whatever -- did that fucking movie...
It's not quite Crouching Tiger... crazy bitch, though! Fucking bomb, just mwuhaha!

In the car with K's parents

Yeah, but that was pretty slick and man those outtakes at the end are just sweet.
They sealed the deal!
"I will slap your ass back to Africa!"

"Oh, I'd like to see that!"

"I'll bite your nose off, man!"
So what'd you think mom? Get your thoughts on this for the review?
Special Guest:
Barb Smart
I enjoyed it very much.
Would you say it was the best movie you've ever seen, did your cheeks hurt from laughing?
No, wasn't the best I've ever seen but it certainly was enjoyable.
So the second best movie my mother has ever seen.

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