After being denied entry because Mark
(who'd already seen the movie once before)
was "too young"

What the fuck are your feelings on the fact that we didn't get into the movie?
Listen here, you're fucking halting the movie review site, fuck you you asshole!
Yeah, just:

"Ah, buddy, we're from It's A Movie So Watch It."

"Oh, go right in!"

"Oh, Mr. McNally!"
"You're, you're fucking Mark?"
We should go back up and fucking lace into him.
Wait 'til he comes out and fucking record the beatdown.

Like, you hear that sound? $38 Kevin didn't get.

For christ's sake...

The next day

Yeah I really gotta say the second time I thought it was better. 'Cause the first time I had to get all technical on it.

"Well you see, I didn't quite approve of all that monkey. Far too many fart jokes, I was not impressed, I will be on the internet within moments registering my outrage."

But the second time it's just kinda like, eyyy...

Just a more chill vibe...
Yeah. 'Cause man that is a supremely stupid fucking movie.
The best thing was the fucking Mystery Machine.
What do you mean the best thing, like, what mystery machine?
I dunno if I'd say it was my favorite moment, but it was pretty good.
That was probably my favorite moment. When they first started swearing at each other.
But yeah, I dunno... just, eh. Not... great but...
Special Guest:
Mike Love
I feel stupider after having watched that movie.
You paid $9.50! To see that movie.
But man I dunno, that part where the girl just goes by and just like:

"Hey baby, you ever get your ass licked by a fat man in an overcoat?"

That was classic, totally.
"Cracka cracka cracka..."
"Terrible Chris Rock impression, why do you do those? You're not funny."
"You know who's funnay?"
"Bill Cosby's pretty funnay."
"And he's gonna kill youu..."
Man though when I fucking went, when we were there on Friday, I was the only one who clapped for Mark Hammil. So tonight's audience was a little more chill.
Mark Hammil fucking kicked ass.
Man totally when I was walking into that I'm like, man, I'm not sure if I'm gonna pay another 9 bucks, I'm like, still going for it. But then once you're watching it, like, it was worth it man, it was worth the 9 bucks.
Yeah, same thing here, 'cause like second time I was like man, that movie wasn't that good, I don't really wanna see it again. But then I'm there and I'm like "Yes!"
Just laughing at the super-hilarious fucking jokes...

In the car as we leave the parking lot

I dunno what to think of that movie.
We're Kevin Smith connoiseurs, though.
I dunno, I think I'm probably gonna have to wait 'til the video comes out, I'll probably respect it a lot more. There were some moments but there was just a lot where it was, y'know-
Hey, there's that guy! Fucking back up, that's the guy who wouldn't let us in yesterday! Run that fucker over!

Dan rolls down the window and leans out

Yeah, fuck you asshole!
That a boy, Dan!
Nice. We got our revenge.
Man, you know what we totally did just there? We pulled up to that guy: "I disagree!" Drive off...

Dropping off Dan (who's leg was hurt in a boaking accident)

Have a good evening, you fucks.
Be careful on those stairs there, gimpy.
Yeah yeah, fucking lick nuts! Fuck...
You okay there, big nuts?

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