Alright, starting out with some pre-movie comentary and so forth, so to get everyone's feelings on how things're going right now. Pass this on.
Man, this popcorn tastes like someone jizzed in it.
What the fuck are you doing? Get that fucking thing out of my face.
Man, no team spirit...
Shut the fuck up, junkie!

After the movie

At the end it's like the world's biggest Tony Hawk steal, blue steal from red.
Is that all you could think about?
"Man, that was one bad ass trick! Holy fuck!"

Mike Love shows up

Special Guest:
Mike Love
So what'd you think?
I thought it was fucking really good.
Eh, it wasn't too bad.
I've seen worse, I've seen a shitload better.
...and Mr. Pink was in it too...
I was glad, at the end there when that guy when she was rubbing that guy's head I'm like, "Don't you open your fucking eyes! You're dead, buddy! You're not coming back!"
Yeah, he certainly did come through on that one.
Yeah, I was suprised at the amount of people that fucking died.
I dunno, it's one of those things where it wasn't-
I've got no complaints, man. None. That was awesome.
I mean I'm not saying it's the best movie it coulda been, but it was still awesome.
You know what I heard two girls saying behind me? "What I really like about the Final Fantasy movie is, like, it really shows girl power, you know?"
And I'm like, and I was like, I felt the old hand coming up and I'm like-
Bitch! Be cool!
Even like at the end when the professor sits down and you just see all the hairs on his chinny-chin-chin like, man...
That's the weird thing about that movie, it wasn't like watching a real movie but it was definitely better than watching an animated movie, so it was just... weird.

Musical interlude

And they never used the Final Fantasy music you know, that music that starts every game. I was like, that sucks, that shoulda been in there.
Man though, fucking that James woods guy, he was bad ass!
"What have I done? Ah well, I killed New York, might as well blow up this fucking space station too!"
And that guy was kinda cool 'cause I mean he was fucking shit up, but he really thought that's what he had to do!
And he wasn't doing it because he's evvvil, he's like-
"You guys are fruity-ass hippies and I'm gonna blow up this place."
He also was all pissed off about his daughter and his wife getting killed...
I liked that they showed why he was so mad, something invisible just touches you...
He's one of those villains you can relate to, but still, like what the fuck dude?
The only thing he did that was really harsh, well letting in the guys, that was obviously bad, and "Oh, they're down there. Fuck it, blow 'em up." Little harsh.
But he thought she was like-
I dunno if he actually believed that...
If you found a planet with those things and you found a chick that was going around with some of that inside her, you wouldn't trust her.
"Oh, so your hippy spirits got it contained, eh? Yeah, well. Sure you do."
Hippy spirits...
That was like the only connection to any of the games is that there's a guy named Sid. There's always a guy named Sid.

Dan finishes talking to Mike

And I was gonna smack the people sitting behind us, Matt. I really was. The fat bitch sitting behind us.
Always with the fat bitches.
It's always the fat bitches that piss me off.
Why, what was the problem?
Just the snickering and teeheehee...

Get ready for it

You know what's the most retarded song in the world? Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo... I never really thought about it before. That means that guy is guarding the buttermilk, and he wants the flies to fuck off. That's pathetic.
Well maybe I dunno, like, I dunno, milk mighta been rare in that country.

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